Oregon's Best: Meadowfoam Honey
$ 14.00

Note: we are currently out of Meadowfoam honey, but will re-stock soon.
Meadowfoam is a low growing flower native to southern Oregon and the honey is known around the world for its unique qualities. A field of meadowfoam's creamy white flowers resembles sea foam on the surf – hence the name!
Meadowfoam is often called "beekeepers honey" because the keepers often stash the honey for their own enjoyment. We are excited to have a source to share, and we hope you enjoy one of Oregon's best!
Beekeepers tasting notes: Rich light flavor reminiscent of vanilla and toasted marshmallows.
Swarm Portland works to protects bees and pollinators by creating more urban bee habitat. We support a collective of Oregon beekeepers who harvest honey from sustainable and/or organic farms. None of the beekeepers we work with move their hives for pollination fees. They all place the top priority on healthy bees and quality honey.
All of our honey is raw and unfiltered, and it contains some beneficial pollen and propolis. There are absolutely no additives.
All of our honey is raw and unfiltered, and it contains some beneficial pollen and propolis. There are absolutely no additives.