Swarm in the Community
Swarm works in the Pacific Northwest to create more bee and pollinator habitat. Over the years, we've donated our hex Pollinator Planters to community + school gardens.
Our work reaches from east Portland's Lents Community Garden, south to the Milwaukie Winslow Food Forest, at a Growing Gardens project in the Columbia River slough, and northwest to Portland's Forest Park. We're also working on creating a native pollinator refuge on Whidbey Island in the Salish Sea.
Swarm annually attends dozens of community events to educate about ways to help save our bees – with an emphasis on the 4000 native bees in the US. Education activities include booths at neighborhood street fairs, garden shows, school auctions, food + drink festivals, and farmers markets.
Protecting pollinators is a growing concern for a variety of nonprofits and social enterprises. Swarm has participated in networking and planning meetings to help groups join forces – to activate the hive mind! If you would like to contact us about a project idea, please bee in touch!